A Christian and an Atheist Walk Into a Bar

Uncommon Loons Theatre Company

13418753_625309517627551_3136932056967622599_nA Christian and an atheist walk into a bar… they order a pitcher of beer, rehearse a play, and enjoy some live jazz thereafter.

One of the great things about a small, two-man show? You can do just that. Rehearse anywhere at anytime, provided both actor/directors are available.

The beauty of the situation was amplified by the stage directions in the script that require eating and drinking. The popcorn and IPA before the actors served well.

And thus begins the rehearsing of ‘Pistachios’ which will premier early August at the Minnesota Fringe Festival. Whether you’re Christian, atheist, or just a lover of theatre, it’s a show anyone can empathize and everyone can enjoy!

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…for those of you who celebrate…

Why do we feel the need to qualify our festive greetings in this age? In the name of tolerance do we need to separate? “Happy Easter… to those who celebrate.” “Happy Hanukkah…to those who celebrate.” “Happy Holidays… to those who celebrate.” Can’t we just wish good tidings to the world without drawing lines of separation between those who celebrate and those who don’t? In this world of tolerance, I think we have become more divisive.

Do I celebrate Ramadan? Heck, no. But that doesn’t mean I’ll be offended if someone cast a broad net of well wishes on social media and says, “Happy Ramadan!” or “Happy Kwanzaa” “Happy Freethinkers’ Day” or to me and others. I will think, “Oh! I don’t celebrate that… but thanks!” In this modern age of alleged tolerance and inclusivity, we seem to be more apt to draw lines of separation with our greetings.

So in the spirit of divisive inclusivity, tomorrow I will be wishing everyone, “Happy Monday! …for those of you who celebrate.”

Keep your boat afloat.

December 15, 2015, marked the end of a 60-year performing arts legacy in Grand Rapids, Minnesota. As with many other Northern MN artists, the organization had a large influence on my stage experiences; it began with my debut on its stage at the age of 10 and concluded with my leadership participation in events during this summer past that would turn out to be its last. I’m sad to see her go; yet with the rest of its final board of directors, we were the one who euthanized her.

Read the full article: Keep your boat afloat.